Built and managed 2 successful eCommerce sites to sell Lawn & Garden equipment online for a brick & mortar retailer, including snowblowers, lawn tractors, mowers and other heavy equipment. Doubled store sales in first season with incremental online revenue.
View details »Created various presence site for small businesses in the insurance, software, restaurant and retail verticals. Sites built via Joomla, Wordpress and hand coded sites including mobile site add-ons written in jQuery as well as responsive designs.
View details »Developed a Digital Signage solution based on the Raspberry Pi that delivers HD Video, image and HTML content to any monitor while simultaniously delivering content to mobile devices. An affordable solution that caters to small and medium sizes businesses.
View details »Developed mobile add-on sites for existing CMS sites with mobile device detection via MobileESP and mobile friendly interfaces utilizing jQuery Mobile. Developed responsive design websites using Zerogrid/Bootstrap frameworks and CSS3 media queries.
View details »Managed PPC Adwords campaigns for multiple verticals including keyword research and SEO. Created nearly all the image content for all the portfolio sites including logos, promotion splashes and Flash animations.
"How are we doing?" That's the question that every business person is asking. From tracking demographics to how a consumer shops on your site before purchasing, you need to know your customers and identify your prospects.